Edyta Jordan – Full-stack Software Engineer and Certifed Salesforce Developer.

Laravel Package for OpenWeather API now available under MIT license!

August 30th, 2020

I’m happy to announce that Laravel Package for OpenWeather API is now available under MIT License on Packagist!

OpenWeather Laravel Helper on Packagist

I chose Packagist because it is a popular package repository for PHP projects and is widely used by developers to distribute their open-source PHP packages.

Plus, it is the default Composer package repository.

In the future, I plan on extending this package to be available not only for Laravel but also Symfony, WordPress, and Drupal. Check back for updates!

About Laravel and Open Source Packages

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP web application framework that allows developers to build robust and scalable web applications. Laravel packages are libraries or modules that can be integrated into Laravel applications to provide additional functionality.

An open-source Laravel package is a package that is built using Laravel and is freely available to the public to use and modify under an open-source license. The open-source license allows developers to use the package, modify it, and redistribute it without any legal restrictions.

About MIT License

The MIT License is a permissive open-source software license that allows developers to freely use, modify, and distribute software without imposing many restrictions. This license is named after the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where it was first created.

The MIT License is considered to be one of the most popular open-source licenses, along with the Apache License and the GNU General Public License (GPL).

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